Your Whole Body
From Your Head to Your Toes, and Everything in Between!
Your Whole Body is an inclusive book for children about the entire body, including the genitals.
Your Whole Body is:
Complete: it explains, illustrates, and labels all the major body parts including genitals.
Diverse and inclusive: the text and illustrations describe and show different appearances and abilities. Additionally, the text does not use gender pronouns when describing genitals.
Accurate and age-appropriate: experts including pediatricians, child safety experts, gender specialists, and preschool teachers, were consulted for this book.

Why Teach Children the Names for Their Genitals?
Experts agree that teaching your child the proper names for genitals is important.
Teaching children the proper names for genitals:
promotes a positive body image
lays the foundation for future talks between parents and their children
helps protect children from sexual abuse

How Does
Your Whole Body
Even though a lot of parents have heard that they should use the proper names for genitals when talking to their children, many (myself included!) have a hard time saying words like vulva, penis, and nipple out loud, especially to our kids! It can feel uncomfortable or wrong.
Experts recommend using diaper changes, potty training, and bath time as opportunities to use the proper names, and advise parents to say things like "right now, I'm wiping your anus..."
If you have a hard time imagining yourself saying that, you're probably in the majority. For a lot of parents, following these recommendations is difficult.
This is where Your Whole Body comes in. Your Whole Body provides parents with a script and helps normalize saying these words out loud.

Thank You!
This book would not have been possible without the incredible support of all of the Kickstarter backers. I would like to particularly thank the following contributors:
Kim Lilly
Jim and Teri Carns
Tina Tomsen
Ryan Reed
The Children’s Advocacy Center of Covina/Los Alamitos
Susan Haas
Harry Sleeper
Ciaran DellaFera
Alison Munroe
Maggie Charbonneau
Carolyn Reigle
Northern Shores Counseling
Lily Gordon
Roshea Moore
Jennifer de Vries
Karen Russell
Jennifer Sullivan
Tutu Sullivan
Nancy Tcheou
Michelle Blakely
Sex Positive Families
Erin Connors
Olivia James
Clare Boersma
Clare Hurley
Jan and Don DeYoung